Biological Safety Cabinet Services

NATA testing and regular maintenance of all Biological Safety Cabinets, Laminar flow cabinets and Clean workstations is critical to ensure safety and sterility of products. AES Environmental provides a comprehensive NATA testing and certification services for all clean air applications. Regular NATA testing of all cabinets should be completed at least once a year to ensure longevity and functionality of the cabinet.

AES is a NATA accredited ILAC IEC/ISO 17025 accredited organisation that provides specialist services for Biological or Microbiological Safety Cabinets, including:

Mechanical Inspection:  This includes the motor/ blower unit, vibration mountings, switch functions, gaskets, pre-filters and HEPA filters.

Check for System Integrity:  Challenge for filter leakage to AS 1807:2021 Cl 4.4 and AS 1807.7

Integrity of work zone:  Test for induced air leakage in the work zone.

Prevent cross contamination in the work area: check and adjust air velocity and uniformity of airflows.

Establish HEPA filter life and performance:  measure static pressure of filters and electronic motor current.

Check environment factors:  measure light output, sound level and germicidal ultraviolet lamp efficiency.

Repair and adjust to specification:  when necessary and whenever possible, on-site repairs are included in our services.


Risk Group 1

Low individual and community risk
BSC not required (unless significant aerosol)

Risk Group 2

Moderate individual risk, limited community risk
Suitable in Class I or Class II BSC

Risk Group 3

High individual risk, limited to moderate community risk
Suitable in Class I or Class II BSC

Risk Group 4

High individual and community risk
Suitable only in class III BSC


A Biological safety cabinet is an enclosed, ventilated workspace, and the various types are identified by the degree of biocontainment or operator protection required. Biological safety cabinets are available in three classes, to suit a wide range of applications and risk factors with products used within the depending on the protection required for the sample, operator or environment.. this includes:

Class I : Suitable for Operator protection only.

Class II: Suitable for Operator and product protection

Class III: Suitable for product and environment protection

The most common type of Biological Safety Cabinet is the Class II Type A2, by definition this is a room recirculating unit consisting of a laminar HEPA, Exhaust HEPA and typically twin-fans. The BSC will have 70% of it’s air recirculating through the laminar HEPA and 30% will be discharged through the exhaust HEPA filter.

NATA Testing standards

Biological safety cabinets are required to be tested and certified at least annually or if there is any change to the cabinets function and/ or the position. Depending on the cabinet, the requirements for testing changes. See Table 1 to show the testing requirements according to AS2252. 1 (Biological safety cabinet class I) and AS 2252.2 (Biological safety cabinet class II).

AS 1807:2021 Testing Requirements

Class I

Class II

Class III*

AS 1807:2021 – Cl 4.1 Determination of air velocity and uniformityn/an/a
AS 1807:2021 – Cl 4.2 Determination of fan blower performance under loaded filter conditions✓**✓**✓**
AS 1807:2021 – Cl 4.3 Determination of work zone integrityn/a
AS 1807:2021 – Cl 4.4 Determination of integrity of terminally mounted HEPA
AS 1807:2021 – Cl 4.5 Determination of illuminance
AS 1807:2021 – Cl 4.6 Determination of vibration
AS 1807:2021 – Cl 4.7 Determination of sound level
AS 1807:2021 – Cl 4.8 Determination of inward air velocity of class I safety cabinetn/an/a
AS 1807:2021 – Cl 4.9 Determination of air barrier containmentn/an/a
AS 1807:2021 – Cl 4.10 Determination of UV intensity
AS 1807:2021 – Cl 4.11 Determination of gas tightnessn/a
AS 1807:2021 – 4.12 Determination of air barrier containmentn/an/a
*Australia is currently reviewing Class III BSC Standards and the above test methods are proposed test methods for measuring performance of a Class III BSC.
**4.2 – Determination of fan performance under loaded filter conditions, as specified within AS 2252. Clean filters are loaded to simulate an increase in system pressure, determining actual fan curve. The test is useful for defining alarm set-points and for determining if a cabinet has the capacity maintain specified supply velocity under loaded filter conditions.


Class I  BSC

Class I Biological Safety Cabinets are constructed for protection for the operator. In the cabinet, the air is drawn across the workspace into a HEPA filter, which prevents any harmful contamination escaping into the work zone opening.

Class II  BSC

Class II are open fronted biological cabinets, which provide protection from hazardous biological agents for personnel and the environment and also protect materials used within the cabinet.

Class II cabinets are generally preferable for uninoculated cell culture work or similar operations in which protection of the work is paramount.


Class III cabinets are enclosed work spaces where a physical barrier exists between the work zone and the operator. The operator will manipulate or process materials in the work zone through glove ports. The air within the cabinet is filtered on entry and exhaust to provide both a sterile work zone and prevent release of hazardous particulate.


Decontamination is essential before annual re-certification or major repairs when A biological safety cabinet comes into contact with risk groups 2, 3 or 4. Once the decontamination process has taken place, verification of decontamination will take place using biological indicators. Additionally, the decontamination and verification process should also take place prior to filter changes.

AES employs the latest technology for decontamination of class II BSC’s and can provide validated reports in compliance with AS 2467 and the current Biosecurity Containment Requirements.