AES Environmental is excited to announce the capacity to provide AS1324 NATA testing for Air Filters within it’s laboratory based in Sydney, NSW. NATA is an independent testing organisation responsible for accrediting AS1324 test facilities in Australia. The Covid Pandemic highlighted the need for greater compliance and repeatability when testing air filtration products, Australia is once again raising that bar.

The specific scopes we are validated for include:

  1. Initial resistance (Pressure differential, AS1324.2 Section 2)
  2. Mass stabilisation (Gravimetric, AS1324.2 Section 3)
  3. Efficiency – Test dust No.1 (Photometric, AS1324.2 Section 4)
  4. Gravimetric – Test dust No.4 (Gravimetric, AS1324.2 Section 5)

NATA is an signatory to the ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) mutual recognition agreement (MRA). NATA is one of 113 accreditation bodies from over 117 economies to have signed the MRA. ILAC’s primary goals include developing and aligning accreditation practices for various bodies, recognizing accredited laboratories and providers globally, and advocating for accreditation acceptance among industry, governments, regulators, and consumers. About ILAC.

A truly Global Accreditation. For more information on Air Filter testing, check out our previous post here or connect.

With this accreditation, we are able to offer this service for local and International customers wishing to certify their Air filters to the Australian Standards

For more information on our scope of accreditation click here