UCV Filtration Unit

    Designed for the busy Operating Theatre
    The UCV is easily retrofitted to the ceiling or within the ceiling void of existing operating theatres
    A controlled column of ultra clean air is delivered down over the operating table, your surgical team and their equipment

Ultra clean Theatre Ventilation Systems

UCV Systems are  Ultra Clean Ventilation systems designed for the busy Operating Theatre. They can be individually designed to work with varying types of pendants and include lighting, return/recycled air. The UCV incorporates the AES range of HEPA filters and accessories, they can be either gasket seal or gel seal. Previously acceptable levels of up to 500 bacteria-carrying particles per cubic metre are reduced to less than 10 particles by cubic metre by the UCV (Ultra Clean Ventilation) system, with obvious health and financial benefits to your patient and the hospital. 

Produced as a modular system by Australia’s leading manufacturer of air filters and laminar flow systems, the UCV is easily retrofitted to the ceiling or within the ceiling void of existing operating theatres. A controlled column of ultra clean air is delivered down over the operating table, your surgical team and their equipment. It then moves radically outwards and up to the return air intakes. Your team has free access to and from the operating zone without the risk of introducing dirty air from outside. Keeping the Operating Theatre Ultra Clean. 

The design of a partial walled Ultra Clean Air System should take into consideration of the entrainment from the room air into the clean zone air, air velocity at the operating table and the temperature difference between supply and room air. In operating theatres where deep wound surgery takes place, the ultra-clean air ventilation systems should achieve the following minimum standards: 

  • A maximum of 0.5 bacteria-carrying particles per m3 issuing from the final filters. 
  • Less than 10 bacteria-carrying particles per m3 of air within 200mm of the wound. 
  • Less than 20 bacteria-carrying particles per m3 of air in the 2.8m x 2.8m working area at the table height (contamination of instruments and material within the sterile field lead to wound contamination).